Book A Room

The Medical Center Library & Archives offers group study spaces for reservation by Duke-affiliated faculty, staff, and students.

studyroomsGroup study rooms are available for booking on Levels 1 and 3 of the Library.  All the rooms are equipped with large monitors and whiteboards and seat between 4 and 8 people. 

Level 1: Rooms 102A and 102B
Level 3: Rooms 315, 316, 319, 320, 321

Reservation Policy: Group study rooms may be reserved by faculty, staff, and students for 2 hours per day, per individual. Rooms may be scheduled for up to 1 week in advance (including the day of the reservation). Availability is based on booking with preference given to those with reservations. After a 15-minute grace period for arrival, the space becomes available to others. We reserve the right to move any unattended personal items to lost and found, which is located at the Library’s Service Desk on Level 2R.